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Political analyst and young leader of the BJP in Delhi, Ravi Tiwari, speaks on the Prime Minister Jan Arogya Scheme (PMJAY).
Jan 02, 2024 06:23 pm

Prime Minister Narendra Modi dedicated the Ayushman Bharat Yojana under PM Jan Arogya Yojana to the country. Political analyst and BJP Delhi leader Ravi Tiwari explains this scheme. What is the PM Jan Arogya Scheme (PMJAY) or the Ayushman Bharat Yojana? In this article, Ravi Tiwari discusses the Jan Arogya Scheme in detail. PM Modi launched the biggest health service in the world under this scheme. The Prime Minister Jan Arogya Scheme is also known as the Ayushman Bharat Scheme. Under this scheme, every family in the country will be able to take advantage of free medical facilities worth up to five lakh rupees per year. This scheme will help more than 50 crore people in India. In India, middle- and poor-class people still struggle to get high-quality medical facilities due to their high expenses. Through this scheme, quality medical facilities are now available to every citizen at a cheap rate without any discrimination. How many health fairs have been arranged to date under the PMJAY scheme? In this scheme, health fairs are arranged under Prime Minister Modi's instructions. Till date, more than 12.6 lakh health fairs have been arranged. In these health fairs, millions of people have been able to get free health advice from specialist doctors. To come and join this health fair, you have to register yourself. After successful registration, you will avail of the free medical check-up facility at this health fair. If there is any problem in your report, you will get in touch with the doctor and get a free consultation. How many check-ups are done at PMJAY health fairs? Under the Prime Minister Jan Arogya Scheme, health checkup operations are done across the country rapidly. Participants came from different locations in the country and underwent free medical checkups on a very large scale. So that their disease can be diagnosed and cured in time. Through this process, more than 17 crore people have gone through free medical checkups in different locations of the country. E-Sanjeevani is a mobile application. By using technology in the medical sector, people will get fast and free medical facilities at home from any remote area. The e-Sanjeevani application will do this for the country. Through this app, you can get a free consultation from your desired doctor without visiting a doctor's clinic. More than 100 million people have downloaded this e- Sanjeevani app. A video conferencing service is also available in this app. You can talk to your doctor or consultant via video call. This technology was developed during COVID-19 to help people find rapid medical relief. The E-Sanjeevani teleconsultation has been able to make life easier.