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The fifth edition of TEDxKIET- TEDxKIET 2024 was successfully organised on April 25, 2024 by team
Apr 29, 2024 06:25 pm

 TEDxKIET of the KIET Group of Institutions, infusing the crowd with an amalgam of happiness and exuberance. The event featured 10 prominent speakers who delivered their TEDx talks, as well as a few who gave outstanding performances showcasing their dedication to their respective domains. 
The event was centred around the theme “1+1=3”, which encourages everyone to introspect within themselves and find the missing ‘1’ from the equation within their lives.
Prominent speakers were Pankaj Jha (actor), Shen B (Rapper), Saqib Ayub (Actor), Sneha Chakraborty  (Artist), Karanvir Singh Nayyar (Sailor: Merchant Navy), Rachana Yadav (Classical Dancer & choreographer), Gaurav Bhagat (Entrepreneur), Vaishalli Dagar(Defence (Defense mentor), Jai Suryawansi (entrepreneur), and Ayush Kumar Singh (Wildlife photographer), who encouraged the audience with their TEDx talks and shared the motto of TED, "Ideas Worth Spreading." The event additionally witnessed audience involvement from several schools and institutions, which amounted to an overall number of 400+ attendees.
The event commenced with the hosts Ranishka Tyagi and Chaitanya Keshari welcoming the guests present, followed by Lighting the Lamp and a welcome speech by Dr. Adesh Pandey (convener of TEDxKIET), Club President Hamdaan Ahmad, Vice-President Ritik Kumar Vyas, and other dignitaries. Subsequently, each of the eminent speakers portrayed the journey to their undetermined success and the impact of creativity on it.

Jai Suryawansi spoke as the fifth speaker. He is the businessman who operates JSF World Production. He is the ideal illustration of how commitment and diligence can change a person's life. He told the tale of how an 11-year-old waiter became a well-known figure in the fashion world. The only rule is to stay focused on your goal.

Heading forward in the event, the team felicitated the speakers, school dignitaries, sponsors, and the entire team of TEDxKIET with a token of respect. All the media partners, sponsors, and students appreciated their sincere and valuable efforts towards the event. The event exhibited generosity and commitment to everyone as the day was packed with astonishing instances of talks, appearances, inventiveness, and creativity that motivated everyone to take a new perspective on life and approach each day with a sense of wonder. It was indeed a bonafide experience with a classical blend of education, entertainment, and inspiration.